

Homemade pasta that is easier to make than you may think with just russet potatoes, an egg, flour, and salt.  

This gnocchi recipe is a fantastic potato-based pasta that you will find in many fancy Italian restaurants but it is even better made by hand. I make a large batch and freeze half for a quick easy meal for later use.  

Gnocchi is a traditional Italian dish that has been around since the early Middle Ages and originated from Northern Italy where the climate is cooler and best for growing potatoes. It is usually dressed with sauce and served as a 1st course or side dish but has been making its way to the main course spot as it is deserved.  


I highly recommend using a potato ricer to get a perfect smooth texture. They are easy to find on Amazon. I will add a link to the one I purchased. Here-  

If you do not want or have a ricer, not a problem, just make sure to mash the potatoes until they are no longer lumpy.  A gnocchi board or fork can be used to make ridges. This helps hold the sauce; however, I do not use one in this recipe, and it is not a required step.  

Look that these pretty pillows of love!


Okay let us get started. 

This makes a large batch. You can freeze half and save for another time. Cut the recipe in half for 4 servings. 
  • 3lbs Russet potatoes (4-5 medium or 6-7 small) 
  • 2 cups flour  
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt 
  • 1 egg  
  1. In a large pot of water add the potatoes and cook until tender and ready to mash. Drain and run through a potato ricer or mash well and remove all the lumps. I do this right on the counter/work surface.
  2. Make a well in the potatoes and add 1 egg in the middle.
  3. Salt the egg. Whisk the egg and salt with a fork.
  4. Sprinkle the flour over the potatoes and start mixing the potatoes into the egg mixture.
  5. Mix/knead the dough. Continue kneading for 3-4 minutes on a floured surface.
  6. You can add a little flour if necessary. Knead until the dough is not sticky and dry to the touch.
  7. Cut the ball into 6 pieces.
  8. Roll each piece into a rope about ¾ inch thick. Cut into 1-inch pieces.
  9. Lay it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper lightly floured. gnocchi
  10. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Have an ice bath, bowl of water with ice ready next to the pot.
  11. Cook the gnocchi in batches so it does not stick.  
  12. The gnocchi cooks fast and will float to the surface when done.  
  13.  Scoop out the gnocchi with a slotted spoon.
  14. Put the gnocchi into the ice bath.
  15. Continue with the remaining gnocchi.
  16. After the gnocchi is cooled move to a bowl and drizzle with olive oil. Just enough to coat them so they do not stick.
  17. You can keep them in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours (about 2 days).  
  18. ENJOY! 

 *If you are freezing- lay half of the gnocchi on another baking sheet and freeze. Then bag and store for up to 3 months. To cook, add the frozen gnocchi into boiling water and scoop once it floats. Drain the water and cook/add sauce the way you would like.   

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1 Comment

  1. […] If you have never made it from scratch before I highly encourage you to try! It is a game changer and I have a simple to follow recipe. You can find that here.  Gnocchi […]

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