These sexy little chops are so dang tasty you may find yourself eating them with your hands! The ingredients are easy and it really does taste Gourmet. The key is to get a nice sear …

These sexy little chops are so dang tasty you may find yourself eating them with your hands! The ingredients are easy and it really does taste Gourmet. The key is to get a nice sear …
I meannnnnnn….. 2 of my favorites! Different and inventive ways to make breakfast seem to be trending lately and I got to say, I love it! Breakfast or brunch rather is my favorite meal of …
The Naples triumph and my favorite pizza ever! There is something about a charcoal grilled pizza on a warm summer day that just completes me. Now if you have never grilled a pizza run don’t …
This is the perfect weekend comfort meal or a great lunch to serve for guests! If you live in the US I feel like grilled cheese sandwiches are just a part of our childhood. Those …