2tbspdark soy light can be substitute but dark is better
1tbspsesame oil
1garlic clove, minced
2tbspsesame seeds
3-4cupsoil for deep frying peanut or vegetable
Chicken marinade
Mix the marinade ingredients in a quart sized bag or tupperware dish. Add the chicken and marinate for 20 minutes in the fridge.
While the chicken is marinting prep and measure out the sauce ingredients.
Sesame sauce
In a saucepan whisk together all of the ingredients over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil then turn on low. Keep an eye on it a mix every 5 minutes or so while you are cooking the chicken.
Frying the chicken
In a large pan pour in the 3-4 cups of oil. On med-high heat and slowly bring it up to temperature. About 5 minutes. Now working in batches use tongs to move the chicken from the marinade to the oil... Cook until golden brown and then flip, continue cooking until the chicken is golden brown all over.
Have a plate or basket on the side with paper towels to drain the oil. Move the chicken to the plate and start the next batch.
Remember to whisk the sauce in between batches.
When all the chicken is cooked, move to a serving platter. Pour the sesame sauce over and toss the chicken to coat. Sprinkle the sesame seeds.