Chop the breast and thigh meat from the rotisserie chicken into bite size pieces. You should get about 3 cups, If you want to add more meat, feel free. It's all up to the chef!
Prep all the veges.
Pull one puff pastry sheet from the freezer and let it come to room temp.
Now in a dutch oven or large similar pot heat on medium, add the olive oil. Now add the onions, carrots, potatoes, and celery. Saute for 10 minutes or until the veges begin to soften. Add garlic, salt and pepper Deglaze the pan with the white wine. Stir with a wooden spoon.
Next step is to add the chicken, peas, the chicken stock, and cream. Stir.
Now goes in the spices. Parsley, Italian seasoning, rosemary, and paprika. Give it a good stir and turn the heat to high.
Bring to a boil and stir often. Reduce the heat to med-low. Cook for about 4-5 minutes or until it begins to thicken. Keep stirring, we do not want the bottom to burn.
Melt 1/2 cup of butter and stir in 1/2 cup of flour, add to the pot. Cook 1- 2 more minutes, taste and adjust seasonings if need be, then remove from heat.
Heat the oven to 400°
Move the pot to the counter and lets get the assembly started.
In a 9 x 13 inch shallow baking dish pour in the pot pie mixture
Set it aside and flour ur workspace/counter.
Carefully unroll the pastry sheet. Flour a rolling pin and start roll the dough into a rectangle. No need to worry about making it perfect, just make sure its even and larger than the pan.
To size it, you can bring the pan over and set it over the dough to make sure it is going to over lap the baking dish
Now cut 9 slits in the dough. 3 across. Carefully lift and move the dough to the pan. Place over the top and get it as even as you can. You want there to be over hang Lightly pinch around the dish to seal the dough to the edge In a small bowl whisk an egg. Bush around the edges and top of the pastry
Bake uncovered for 30 minutes
Let rest for 10 minutes before cutting. Sprinkle with parsley for garnish
Should be nice and golden brown!
Cut and serve