Happy Friday friends! To celebrate let’s make a drink.
I am soooo in love with Empress 1908 and their gorgeous Gin! For a lovely summer drink I added some lavender as cocktail picks. It’s a subtle yet wonderfully aromatic effect that really opens up the Gin. Going to the lavender farms is one of my favorite Summer activities. Here in the PNW we have many locations that have a wonderful selection of plants, dried flowers, u-pick, and usually some drinks/snacks, and activities for the whole family!
Now obviously you do not need to attend a lavender festival for this drink, simply buy some culinary lavender or a plant to grow at home. You can order online too. Another lovely way to make this drink is to make a lavender infused simple syrup. Here is recipe on how to do that Berry-Lavender Lemonade!
Ok let’s get to the drink!
• 2 Oz Empress
Gin 1908
• 3/4 Oz simple syrup
• 1/2 Oz lemon juiced
• Champagne
• lemon peel for garnish and glass
• 2 lavender stems (dried or fresh)
In a Martini glass add ice, (optional, can use a chilled glass instead too)Â the syrup, lemon juice, Empress Gin 1908, and top off with Champagne. Stir.
Rub the lemon peel along the glass rim and swirl in the lavender stems. Rest the lavender in the glass and lemon peel on the glass rim.
Sip responsibly.