
Gourmet Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Bacon and Tomato Jam

This is the perfect weekend comfort meal or a great lunch to serve for guests!

If you live in the US I feel like grilled cheese sandwiches are just a part of our childhood. Those white bread slices with cheddar cooked in butter on the stove-top. Mom calling you in from outdoor adventures with the neighbor kids and chomping in to that first warm crunchy/gooey bite! Man that was the life! 

Now that we are all grown up, well physically anyway, who says we can’t enjoy a delicious grilled cheese? I say we defiantly can and this one is a bit more sophisticated. Three cheeses with bacon, fresh basil, garlic, and tomato jam, this sandwich is something you can proudly serve and feel accomplished for making. 

Here is the tomato jam recipe Tomato Jam

This fancy sandwich goes so well with my roasted tomato soup. You can find that recipe here Roasted Tomato Soup with Pesto


  • 8 sourdough slices
  • 1/4 butter, softened
  • roasted garlic
  • Fresh basil, chopped to taste
  • Tomato jam 
  • 8 bacon slices, cooked
  • 8 slices of mozzarella cheese
  • 8 slices of provolone cheese
  • 1/2 cup shaved parmigiana reggiano
  • fresh cracked pepper, to taste
  • 2 tbsp parsley, chopped for garnish


Butter each side of your sourdough and rub on cheese side of bread with roasted garlic clove. Place bread, butter side down onto a hot griddle. Layer the cheese, 1 teaspoon of tomato jam, basil and pepper.

Top with the second sourdough slice, butter side up. Grill until the cheese is ooey gooey and the bread is toasty brown in color. Chop in half, sprinkle with parsley, and serve with tomato soup !


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