Appetizers Italian

Antipasto Skewers with Ravioli!

These delightful sticks of goodness are one of my most requested appetizers at BBQ’S or dinner parties. They are so easy to make yet have a sophistication about them that makes it feel a lot fancier than what it simply is… food on a stick. HA.

If you love Italian cuisine or have been to a authentic restaurant you would have most likely been served an antipasto plate. It is the 1st course that consists of cured meats, cheeses, vegetables, and herbs in oil/vinegar. Antipasto signifies the beginning of a meal, and these are so a great way to kick it off!

There are many variations that can be done with this recipe, in fact think of it as a base for you to grow from and try different ingredients. I’m not even going to write out a recipe because like I mentioned the ingredients really depend on individual taste or what is on hand.

I like to use cooked stuffed raviolis or tortellini’s. You can just pick up a bag from the grocery store, boil for 5 minutes, drain and let cool. While the pasta cools I start prepping the rest of my antipasto.


The dressing stays the same with a few touches here and there. Typically I mix 1/2 cup of fresh pesto with 1 cup of olive oil. A small squeeze of lemon, and fresh cracked pepper.


For this particular recipe I used-

  • Sweet cherry tomatoes
  • Fresh mozzarella pearls or ball cut into bite size pieces.
  • Pepperoni
  • Cheese filled ravioli, whole bag boiled in salty water for 5 minutes, drained and cooled
  • Fresh basil

Other Antipasto options –

  • Salami
  • prosciutto
  • marinated tomatoes
  • artichokes
  • parmesan cheese
  • mushrooms
  • assorted olives
  • smoked salmon
  • goat cheese
  • calamari
  • mussels

The next step after you have the ingredients prepared is to simply slide onto a bamboo skewer and create a pattern. I like to keep the pattern the same but you can do whatever you desire. Once the skewers are finished, I arrange on a a plate with fresh a basil, mix the pesto, oil, and lemon, pepper, then drizzle all over.

To finish, a sprinkle of sea salt and some finely chopped basil. You can even do some balsamic vinegar and a shred of parmesan cheese too!

Have fun with it, there are no rules.





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